Changelog: Orders from advertising (what resource is the client from?)

  • [2.3.2] - 19.01.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed php notice about undefined index
  • [2.3.1] - 10.01.2024
    • New Added hooks for developers
  • [2.3] - 08.01.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed php undefined warning when cron job from command line is working
  • [2.2] - 26.12.2023
    • New Added timestamp when user comes from source
    • Optimization Some function improvements
    • Optimization Some styles improvements for better appearance
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when on some cases orders was displayed twice on order management page
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [2.1] - 13.07.2023
    • Optimization Function optimization of getting http referrer
  • [2.0] - 01.02.2023
    • New Added functionality to display HTTP referrer and entry url on order details page
  • [1.1] - 01.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart version 4.11.3 and older
  • [1.0] - 06.01.2022
    • Optimization First addon release