Changelog: Product code generator

  • [3.4.1] - 13.06.2024
    • New Added a setting to display a notification about a duplicate product only within one seller.
  • [3.4.0] - 29.04.2024
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates.
  • [3.3.1] - 09.01.2024
    • Optimization Improved compatibility with the Common Products for Vendors add-on
  • [3.3.0] - 04.08.2023
    • New Added functionality to notify manager on edit product process when system found duplicate SKU
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [3.2.2] - 27.04.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with generating product codes from root categories templates
  • [3.2.1] - 16.02.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with generating product code with disabled to edit field
  • [3.2.0] - 07.02.2023
    • New Added possibility to deny to edit product code.
  • [3.1.2] - 05.08.2022
    • Optimization Basic security updates
  • [3.1.1] - 27.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with get category data when category is not exist
  • [3.1] - 08.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with addon apply settings on simple cs-cart
  • [3.0] - 10.03.2022
    • Optimization Updated add-on architecture
    • Optimization Added bulk deletion of product codes
  • [2.3.2] - 28.09.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with generate product codes button link
  • [2.3.1] - 23.07.2021
    • New Added possibility to fix start digits on EAN13 standard
  • [2.3.0] - 21.07.2021
    • New Added template to generate valid EAN-13 codes
    • New Added better view for cs-cart v4.13.x
  • [2.2.2] - 22.03.2021

    New Added product code generation process on clone product

  • [2.2.1] - 16.03.2021
    • New Added possibility to import products without Prcoduct code field
  • [2.2] - 06.02.2020
    • Fixed php warning message on saving product category data.
  • [2.1] - 16.01.2020
    • Fixed an issue product code generation logic on import products without product codes 
  • [2.0] - 03.01.2020

    This is a new addon generation with build in instand updates via upgrade center. Fully rebuilded addon with new functionality:

    • Added possibility to fix symbols by adding before of % symbol
    • Added possibiity to use product ID on product template using symbol # on a template
    • Added possibility to set for every product vategory product code template.

    Before install this addon, previuos addon version must be removed!

  • [1.8.1] - 22.08.2017

    Product code generator function changes. Added possibility to use additional symbols like "-" or "#" and etc.

  • [1.7] - 09.03.2017

    March'9 2017 Issue on import products fixed with product codes duplicates

  • [1.6] - 17.10.2016

    Fixes on create product

  • [1.5] - 24.05.2016

    May'24 2016  - We added product code generation function on import products

  • [1.0] - 13.05.2016

    v1.2 (30 March 2016)- Added link to generated codes for all product without product code