Changelog: Product shipping methods add-on

  • [3.6.1] - 13.06.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with double stock decreasing on placing orders on ultimate editions
  • [3.6.0] - 02.05.2024
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates.
  • [3.5.1] - 19.10.2023
    • Optimization Basic security addon upgardes
  • [3.5.0] - 21.03.2023
    • New Added compatibility with Products bundles addon and Required products addon
  • [3.4.3] - 14.02.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when store no have shipping methods
  • [3.4.2] - 24.01.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed sql issue on MV edition on some store configurations
    • Optimization Basic security updates
  • [3.4.1] - 27.05.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on MV edition when root admin edit product shipping methods.
  • [3.4] - 25.05.2022
    • New Added blocks with products on checkout page, when there are more than 1 shipping group
  • [3.3.4] - 25.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed incompatibility with common products product shipping methods tab.
  • [3.3.3] - 21.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart version 4.9 and lower
  • [3.3.2] - 21.03.2022
    • New Added possibility to skip pickup shipping when product grouping working
  • [3.3.1] - 26.08.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed tpl file issue when product shipping methods was not saved success
  • [3.3.0] - 19.08.2021
    • New Added possibility to change products shipping methods on bulk edit page
    • New Added possibility to save products shipping methods on category
    • New Multivendor: Added possibility to prevent vendors access to edit product shipping methods
  • [3.2.5] - 23.06.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with undefined variables
  • [3.2.4] - 23.03.2021
    • New Added compatibility with Master products addon on Multivendor Plus edition
  • [3.2.3] - 10.09.2020
    • Fixed issue on Multivendor with global shared shipping methods groupings
  • [3.2.2] - 04.08.2020
    • Fixed issue on intellectual mode when added one product to cart
  • [3.2.1] - 20.07.2020
    • Fixed issue on grouping products in intellectual mode
    • Fixed issue on grouping products on Multivendor edition.
  • [3.2] - 10.07.2020
    • Added compatibility with cs-cart MULTIVENDOR
  • [3.1] - 29.05.2020
    • Fixed an issue on intellectual mode when on cart was one product
      Important update, please, install it urgently!
  • [3.0] - 14.05.2020
    • Added intellectual product grouping mode. Products in this mode will be grouped automatically to achieve a minimum number of groups. This method reaches the minimum total shipping cost for buyers.
    • Added possibility to install addon upgrades from upgrade center from admin panel

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version.

    Recommended to install this addon version!

  • [2.4] - 02.11.2018

    Fixed issue on ULTIMATE when change parent order status, childs orders status was no changed

  • [2.3] - 18.10.2018

    Added possibility to import and export product shipping methods. Use field "Shipping methods IDs"

  • [2.2] - 05.09.2017

    Available addon updates checker added

  • [2.0] - 04.11.2016

    Added new functionality with product grouping. You need to delete old addon and install new addon.

  • [1.1] - 03.08.2016

    Product grouping issue fixed