Changelog: Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on

  • [2.5.2] - 26.07.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed php error issue when used products discount filter on labels.
  • [2.5.1] - 02.11.2023
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [2.5.0] - 17.07.2023
    • Optimization Basic security updates
  • [2.4.4] - 27.02.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when the "SEO" add-on is disabled
  • [2.4.3] - 17.11.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with big picture product template
  • [2.4.2] - 14.10.2022
    • Optimization Basic security updates
  • [2.4.1] - 14.07.2022
    • Bugfix Fix styles for selectors in the admin panel
  • [2.4] - 21.04.2022
    • New Added setting for compatibility with old templates
  • [2.3.0] - 18.04.2022
    • New Added possibility to add alt and title text for label icon
  • [2.2.1] - 18.02.2022
    • Optimization To labels wrapper added unique class, now there are possibility to add additional styles or use specific labels on your own js scripts.
  • [2.2.0] - 07.09.2021
    • Optimization Speed and DB requests optimization
  • [2.1] - 23.06.2021
    • New Added compatibility with Energothemes Vivashop theme
  • [2.0] - 10.06.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with installed cms on subdirectory
    • New Added styles on addon seetings and upgrade center for cs-cart v4.13.1
  • [1.2] - 09.04.2021
    • New Added new sticker positions: cover, fit and stretch over the product image.
    • Bugfix On choosing a root category - child's will be included
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with sticker url, when label checked as hide on hover
  • [1.1] - 04.12.2020
    • Added possibility to filter products via free shipping field
    • Added compatibiluty with Unitheme 1 theme.
  • [1.0.9] - 02.12.2020
    • Fixed issue with prices on admin panel on products management page when catalog promotion was enabled
  • [1.0.8] - 06.11.2020
    • Fixed issue on some apple devices with displaying product stickers
    • Fixed issue on cscart v4.9.3 and lower with default discount label
  • [1.0.7] - 06.10.2020
    • Fixed php warning message with some label configuration
  • [1.0.6] - 15.09.2020
    • Fixed issue with checkbox feature types condition
  • [1.0.4] - 24.08.2020
    • Added compatibility with themes on cs-cart v 4.9.3 and lower
  • [1.0.3] - 24.07.2020
    • Fixed issue on stores with disabled or uninstalled add-on "Comments and reviews"
  • [1.0.2] - 21.07.2020
    • Fixed cached blocks issue with stickers. 
    • Added compatibility with 3td party themes products blocks
  • [1.0.1] - 21.07.2020
    • Added compatibility with Unitheme cscart theme
  • [1.0] - 16.07.2020

    First addon release