Changelog: Live Search with Search History

  • [8.2.1] - 29.08.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with settings translation value
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with min characters to show search values when is set to 0
  • [8.2.0] - 28.08.2024
    • New Added possibility to setup min chars to show products on search results page
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [8.1.0] - 23.05.2024
    • Optimization Code optimization to prevent undefined php index on some cases
    • Optimization Added additional variables on hook hooks_get_products for developers
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search history and search phrases visibility on popup init.
    • New Added icon button to clear entered words on search input field
  • [8.0.4] - 23.05.2024
    • Bugfix Minor issue fix with search speedup function
  • [8.0.3] - 22.05.2024
    • Optimization Improvements on search speedup function on Hard mode
  • [8.0.2] - 04.04.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search speedup indexing when Redis library not installed on the server
  • [8.0.1] - 20.02.2024
    • New Language variable clear all turbo cache tooltip
    • New Added language variables for hooks 
    • Optimization Turbo cache is now cleared when cleaning indexes 
    • Optimization Now after indexing goods, the turbo cache is reset 
    • Optimization Optimized indexing for the Ultimate edition 
    • Bugfix Fixed a bug for notification about the need to clear the turbo cache
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with image thumbnails on live search results on some custom website configurations
  • [8.0.0] - 12.02.2024

    • New Added a new global feature: Turbo Cache (based on redis). Feature is on beta mode but fully ready to use.
    • New Added possibility to search pages and blog pages ignoring user selected language

    Increase the processing speed of Live Search queries to a hundredth of a second and reduce the load on your database using the new Turbo Cache feature in Live Search addon starting at version 8.0.0.

    Turbo Cache is a cache built based on user search queries. The results of each new search query are stored in the cache. In the event that the search query is already in the cache, the module bypasses the search query and returns the list of products directly from the cache. However, the prices of the products are always retrieved from the database. This means that you do not need to clear the turbo cache if you are only updating the prices of products. Turbo Cache operates on the Redis storage. To enable turbo cache on your server, the Redis service must be installed and running.

  • [7.11.2] - 04.12.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with deleting requests from user search history
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search motivation 
    • Optimization Minor css styles changes
  • [7.11.1] - 29.11.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search by product id with search speedup enabled
  • [7.11.0] - 24.11.2023
    • New Added option to control search delay time
    • New Added option to control seo categories display limit
    • Optimization Optimized search queries process to reduce the load on the server
    • Optimization Stop words functionality rebuilded
    • Bugfix Fixed undefined php notice on some cases on update addon settings
  • [7.10.0] - 30.10.2023
    • New Added the ability to exclude AB:SEO filter categories from the search if the title contains placeholders
    • New Added the ability to add custom id blocks in which you need to update data when adding a product to the cart or favorites list from the search window
    • Optimization Improvements in add-on styles and scripts, as well as improving the user experience in the admin panel
    • Optimization Improved user experience when working with the delete search history button on mobile devices
    • Bugfix Fixed a problem when interacting with the Last modified add-on
  • [7.9.3] - 09.10.2023
    • New Added compatibiluty with latest Unitheme 2 (sticky panel menu)
  • [7.9.2] - 05.10.2023
    • Optimization Improvement and optimization of functions of users latest search requests
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when on search history found products was zero, but products was found

    This is important update. Please install it as soon as possible.

  • [7.9.1] - 03.10.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed conflict issue with some third party themes (including Unitheme 2)
    • Optimization Function logic changed for better compatibility with addons like Full page cache
    • New Display user search history in real time (no page refresh required)

    This is important update. Please install it as soon as possible!

  • [7.9.0] - 02.10.2023
    • New Added possibility to display the buyer's latest search queries
    • New Added possibility to hide certain categories from search
    • New Added possibility to set sorting categories by category name or category position
    • New Added search compatibility with AB: custom H1 addon
    • New Added search compatibility with AB: Seo filters addon
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issues with some 3rd party addons
    • Optimization Optimized hide parent categories function on filter by category block
  • [7.8.1] - 08.08.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed style issue on some 3rd party themes
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with Master products addon on Multivendor Ultimate on some configurations
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [7.8.0] - 14.07.2023
    • Optimization Language variables corrections
    • Optimization Indexation process optimization, since this version, products updated after last indexation (if updated_timestamp field was updated) also will be included to fast indexation
    • New Added additional fields to support stop words
    • New Added possibility to set different motivation phrases by storefronts on MV ULT
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search history when filtering with categories
    • Bugfix Fixed a compatibility issue with the Warehouses add-on
    • Bugfix Fixed undefined php notice on some configurations
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue on mobile view on latest Unitheme 2 theme
  • [7.7.0] - 04.05.2023
    • New Added a setting (on For Developers tab) for editing characters that are replaced by a space in a search query.
    • Optimization Improved the logic of using synonyms when ignoring the search language
    • Optimization Improved statistics on queries
    • Bugfix Fixed the logic of displaying synonyms by storefronts
    • Bugfix Fixed conflict of settings when search by categories was enabled and no search fields were enabled.
    • Bugfix Fixed bug on search common products on vendor store
  • [7.6.2] - 11.04.2023
    • Optimization Optimized yandex speller suggestions
    • New Added new hooks for developers
    • Bugfix Fixed search history when using filters
  • [7.6.1] - 23.02.2023
    • Important Update!
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search on product code field with search speedup mode
    • Optimization Optimizations on search speedup mode
  • [7.6.0] - 21.02.2023
    • New Added compatibility with vendor panel configurator addon (Multivendor)
    • New Added compatibility with synonyms when search categories, brands and pages
    • Optimization Changed logic for Yandex Speller suggestions 
    • Optimization Better logic for ignoring symbols on speed-up mode
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with variables search on hard speedup mode
  • [7.5.1] - 23.01.2023
    • Optimization Changed logic of display add to cart button depending of product options, variations, and when not available add to cart to guest users
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with filter by categories function
  • [7.5.0] - 11.01.2023
    • New Added the ability to ignore characters in product names when searching (only when speed-up is active)
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with sticky menu on Unitheme 2
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search by subcategories on admin panel when search speedup was enabled
  • [7.4.8] - 19.12.2022
    • Optimization Fixed language variables on addon settings "For developers" tab
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with profile link on search history section
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with Unitheme 2 sticky menu
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with import synonyms with non-latin letters
  • [7.4.7] - 17.11.2022
    • New Added search popup box shadow on desktop view
    • Optimization Changed import/export synonyms template
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with list price when product price was a zero
  • [7.4.6] - 08.11.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with found products statistics when user use filters or search query is slow;
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with sticky menu on Unitheme 2
    • Bugfix Fixed incompatibility with master products addon on adding common product to cart from search popup window
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with Warehouses Beta addon with cs-cart versions 4.11.3 and lower
  • [7.4.5] - 30.09.2022
    • New Added compatibility with php 8.0
    • Optimization Image display optimization
    • Optimization Optimized addon settings query
  • [7.4.4] - 06.09.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on some multistorefront servers with live search thumbnails folders permissions
  • [7.4.3] - 17.08.2022
    • New Added possibility to search products ignoring language
    • New Added compatibility with Age verification addon
    • Bugfix Css styles fixes compatibility with some custom theme
    • Bugfix Fixed search on common products on multistorefront multivendor
  • [7.4.2] - 20.07.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed styles for Iphone 12, 13 (only part of show more button was visible )
  • [7.4.1] - 19.07.2022
    • Bugfix Optimized Search history section on admin panel
    • New Added compatibility with Unitheme 2 bottom search bar
    • Optimization Translation correction for nothing found text
    • Optimization Styles optimization for view on mobile devices
  • [7.4.0] - 23.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed misprint on translation
    • Bugfix Fixed black color on some thumbnails images
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with latest Unitheme 2 sticker bottom block on mobile deviсes
    • New Added possibility to open product from search on new tab via context menu (right mouse click)
    • Optimization Added better logic for stop words
    • Optimization Added better logic to search phrases with additional symbols
    • Optimization Better lookup on add synonyms interface
  • [7.3.11] - 07.06.2022
    • Bugfix Important! Security fixed to prevent XSS attacks and SQL injections (Analize and recommendations from AsapLab team)
    • Optimization Improved image thumbnail generation function
    • Bugfix Quick view language variable was changed
    • New Added compatibility with search on product code of old option combinations cs-cart functionality on speed-up mode
    • New Added tooltips on hober add to cart or add to wishlist buttons.
    • New Added notifications with links when user adds product to wishlist or comparison list
  • [7.3.10] - 25.04.2022
    • Optimization Added new hooks inside an addon
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on search on products features on product variables with enabled search speedup function
    • Bugfix Fixed  long search phrases appearance on search history section.
  • [7.3.9] - 20.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed php warning notice on func.php file
  • [7.3.8] - 12.04.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search products from another storefronts on MV Ultimate edition
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with pagination on search history section on admin panel
    • New Added possibility to export Search history requests and search history phrases
  • [7.3.7] - 14.03.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed an issue with numeric search on quick search bar on admin panel
  • [7.3.6] - 01.03.2022
    • Optimization Improved thumbnails function to work fine with wrong images extension
    • Optimization Improved function to show main category  in priority on search results
  • [7.3.5] - 21.02.2022
    • New Added additional hooks to make addon customization more flexible
    • Optimization On filters by categories block hidden categories will not be displayed since this version
    • Bugfix Fixed uncompatibility with warehouses addon on some cs-cart configurations
  • [7.3.4] - 07.02.2022
    • Bugfix On Multivendor Ultimate fixed issue with search vendors depending of current storefront
  • [7.3.3] - 21.01.2022
    • New Added possibility to enter level of displayed parent category on found categories block;
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with quick view block on mobile devices
  • [7.3.2] - 17.01.2022
    • New Added possibility to group categories on filter by root category (it's available to enable it on addon settings);
    • New Added compatibility with rounding function from our product currency addon;
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with display out of stock products on end of list;
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with displaying main product categories with hidden status
  • [7.3.1] - 22.12.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with php warning message count
  • [7.3.0] - 16.12.2021
    • New Added additional column on search history - count of found products per request.
    • New Added speed-up mode with no restrictions on search.

    Important! If you use search speedup function, after install this addon version you need to clear indexes and run again to create correct indexation data

  • [7.2.9] - 06.12.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with zero list price on search popup on some website configurations.
  • [7.2.8] - 03.12.2021
    • New Now support products catalog promotions prices
  • [7.2.7] - 30.11.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issues on some settings combinations after last addon upgrade

    Please, install this upgrade as soon as possible!

  • [7.2.6] - 29.11.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search history date
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search speedup function when you search variation like one product
    • New Added possibility to clean old requests history manually and by cron.
    • New Added possibility to disable search history
    • Optimization Optimized Yandex speller function
    • Optimization Rebuilded Synonyms algorithm. If you have used synonyms, be sure that are configured properly. Synonyms are phrases that will be replaced with the search phrase. 
  • [7.2.5] - 19.11.2021
    • Bugfix Additional Optimization for hard loaded projects
  • [7.2.4] - 17.11.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with shared products search on some configurations
    • Optimization Optimized search statistic function
  • [7.2.3] - 04.11.2021
    • Bugfix Scroll top issue fixed on mobile devices
  • [7.2.2] - 04.11.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed JavaScript issue on IE 11
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with scroll top on mobile devices after search window is closed
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with loading data when search products is disabled
    • New New feature: Autoredirect to category  (When nothing found except one category, on submit form user will be redirected to this category)
  • [7.2.1] - 26.10.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on 404 page footer blocks issue
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on some templates styles on mobile iOS
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on category search with usergroups restrictions
  • [7.2.0] - 21.10.2021
    • New Added JQUERY event trigger, now is very simple to do addon customizations on frontend part without addon core files changes. 
    • New Added additional php hook before_response. Now developers have possibility to change any data before it will be sent on response.
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on Ultimate on getting shared price with discounts
  • [7.1.8] - 14.10.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on search by part of feature variant name with speedup enabled
    • Bugfix Fixed with displaying price on shared product from another storefront
  • [7.1.7] - 05.10.2021
    • Optimization Optimized DB connection on some server configuration to work faster
  • [7.1.6] - 01.10.2021
    • New Added possibility to search on all product features (if you not select any feature - search will work on all)
    • Bugfix Fixed an issue with on Firefox browsers on some server configurations
  • [7.1.5] - 28.09.2021
    • New Added possibility to disable function of blocking search results for bots
    • Optimization Upgraded function to periodically refresh security token
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on some server configurations with missed Registry class
  • [7.1.4] - 22.09.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with blocking bots on some server configurations
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search products without main category
  • [7.1.3] - 13.09.2021
    • Optimization Rebuilded bots security function
    • Optimization Optimized show loading function
  • [7.1.2] - 06.09.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on products results page with products variations

  • [7.1.1] - 02.09.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with list price currency symbol
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with cache addons
  • [7.1.0] - 31.08.2021
    • New Added antibot protection on live search request controller
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with storefronts installed in subfolders
    • Bugfix Another small bugs fixes with addons compatibility
  • [7.0.11] - 25.08.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on clicking label category, user was goes to product page instead of category page
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with display product attached to usergroups
  • [7.0.10] - 23.08.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search query on some configurations
    • Optimization Added function to hide placeholder text on input when field focus
  • [7.0.9] - 18.08.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issues with php warning in empty request
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on some server configurations when live search was not initiated. 
  • [7.0.8] - 16.08.2021
    • New Added possibility to set max-width for search window on desktop devices
    • New Added get_fields hooks for developers section
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with developer hooks
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on some servers with db query error
  • [7.0.7] - 12.08.2021
    • Bugfix Multivendor: Fixed issue on search by vendor products field;
    • Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with Warehouses addon on location change;
    • Bugfix Multivendor: Fixed compatibility issue with Direct payments addon
  • [7.0.6] - 11.08.2021
    • New Added compatibility with Warehouses addon
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on Firefox browsers with scroll top
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search by search keywords with search speedup enabled
  • [7.0.5] - 10.08.2021
    • Bugfix Small bugs fixes in some configurations, added compatibility with 3rd party addons on search results page
  • [7.0.4] - 09.08.2021
    • Optimization Added compatibility with 3rd party addons on search results page
    • Optimization Live search settings page optimized for stores with a lot of features.
    • New Added loading animation when search queries take longer time than 0.8 sec.
    • Bugfix Fixed incorrect progress bar on speedup indexation
  • [7.0.3] - 06.08.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed php warnings when server use Imagick library
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with zoom on Iphone devices when typing on search input
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on features search with search speedup function enabled 
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with search speedup cron indexation access
    • Optimization Added compatibility with warehouses addon
    • New Added function to close search window on mobile devices when click back button instead of loading previous page
  • [7.0.2] - 05.08.2021
    • New Added the ability to select the search logic by product variations
    • New Added additional compatibility in the mobile view with some themes
    • Bugfix Improved stability of search library initialization on some third-party themes
  • [7.0.1] - 04.08.2021

    Fixing found issues from first release:

    • Bugfix Fixed incompatibility with Common Products addon;
    • Bugfix Fixed file permissions issue with some server configurations;
    • Bugfix Fixed requests history delete selected issue.
  • [7.0.0] - 04.08.2021

    The 7.x version branch is the new generation of the live search add-on. Everything has been changed, from the internal architecture of the add-on to the appearance. The add-on was developed from scratch, relying on the accumulated experience of the old 5.x branch, so all the functions is preserved, and at the same time new ones have been added. Changing the architecture of the add-on has made possibility to achieve a significant acceleration of the search and unlimited possibilities for further expanding the functionality of the add-on.

    So what's new in version 7.0:

    1. Filter search results by categories directly in the search popup;
    2. Keyboard Navigation on search results in popup;
    3. Search synonyms;
    4. Ability to choose a theme (Modern and Classic) and change color schemes for each of them
    5. Built-in search speed-up (for high-load projects);
    6. Search motivation;
    7. Search phrases;
    8. Search history by user.
    9. Quick view and add to the compare list buttons.

  • [5.9.10] - 24.05.2021

    Bugfix Fixed issue with objects search on Multivendor edition

  • [5.9.9] - 18.05.2021
    • Bugfix For Multivendor fixed on search field on vendor store display only vendor objects
  • [5.9.8] - 27.04.2021
    • New Added possibility to search on product combinations code
  • [5.9.7] - 06.04.2020
    • Fixed javascript error when users trying to enter slashes on search request
    • Fixed issue for multivendor disabled companies was on search results
  • [5.9.5] - 11.01.2020
    • Fixed issue with Internet explorer browser compatibilty
    • Added hooks to have possibility change search logic without addons core files changes
  • [5.9.3] - 18.11.2019
    • Added compatibility with Multivendor PLUS edition on vendor page search page

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version

  • [5.9.2] - 21.10.2019
    • Fixed issue with ipv6 users, recommended to install this newest addon version.

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version

  • [5.9] - 08.10.2019
    • Added functionality to block Enter button on search field on addon settings.

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version

  • [5.8.1] - 28.08.2019
    • Added functionality to select features where need to search
    • Fixed an issue with product variations search by product code
    • fixed issues with cs-cart 4.4 and above

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version

  • [5.7.2] - 23.07.2019
    • Added compatibility with product variations (search by product code)
    • Added possibility to select brand feature (some users had more than one feature with brand type)
    • Added possibility to set minimal width of live search window for desctop version
    • Fixed an issue - price was shown without including promotions and discounts

    Old addon version must be uninstalled before install this addon version

  • [5.6.2] - 01.04.2019
    • Added fixes to Right to left language direction
    • Added possibility search simple pags
  • [5.5] - 22.03.2019
    • added possibility to search blog pages
    • added possibility to automatically redirect user to product page if found only 1 product
    • added possibility to show prices and add to cart buttons only for logged in users
    • if product have options and add to cart  is shown we made special icon and link to product details page
  • [5.4.4] - 02.01.2019

    What is new:

    • Rebuilded add-on settings page;
    • Added possibility to add product to cart and wish-list from search results (Also styles settings to customize it);
    • Added possibility to search product by ID field;
    • Added possibility search categories by meta-keywords;
    • Added possibility  to hide product code on search results;
    • Added possibility ta make sorting on admin panel on search history pages;


  • [5.3] - 28.09.2018

    Added possibility to hide price on search window.

  • [5.2] - 11.07.2018

    Fixed error on admin panel, when admin trying search by time period

  • [5.1] - 16.03.2018

    We have added posibility to set one color to category labels on search results and made some fixes on css styles for mobile devices and sorting functionality.

  • [5.0] - 26.12.2017

    We added new awesome functionality:

    • Search history
    • Order products by product popularity per search phrase with automatic insrease
    • Close search window button
  • [4.3.3] - 19.09.2017

    We added:
     - storefronts categories search.
    - Meta title and meta-description fields available for search

  • [4.2] - 26.08.2017

    We have added new setting to show parent category name on categories search.

  • [4.1] - 17.08.2017
    Some changes on search logic and highlight text on search.
  • [4.0] - 30.06.2017
    We have added styles editor. Added compatibility with our search speed up add-on ( We have rebuild js-script and now Live search add-on using ajax caching. We have removed next and prev buttons and now add-on use show more button with ajax loading. Added add-on new versions checker.
  • [3.3] - 11.05.2017

    Css fix with small searchbar

  • [3.2] - 23.09.2016

    Script logik and styles changes