Changelog: Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart

  • [2.2.1] - 17.06.2024
    • Bugfix Auto-close notifications have been fixed.
    • Bugfix Fixed instructions for the "Click on element" trigger
  • [2.2.0] - 04.03.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when in one page was added 2 notifications - one for mobile device, one for desktop
    • Optimization Basic addon security updates
  • [2.1.0] - 15.01.2024
    • Bugfix Add-on operation has been corrected when the Trigger for display is - Inactivity.
    • New Added a new trigger for display - Total time on site
  • [2.0.1] - 24.11.2023
    • Bugfix Php warnings was fixed on some custom website pages
    • Bugfix Fixed bug with saving settings
  • [2.0.0] - 13.10.2023
    • Optimization Basic security updates
    • New Added hook to have possibility to integrate from custom addon and change logic for whom notification will be displayed
  • [1.12.0] - 09.03.2023
    • New New logic: if popup have closer button it will be displayed untill user close it manually.
    • New New logic: in case when you have more than 1 notifications in same location - will be displayed one until it will be closed, then next and etc.
  • [1.11.9] - 24.01.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with option display on custom Url's
  • [1.11.8] - 17.01.2023
    • New Added compatibility with cs-cart 4.6.x versions
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with required fields dorm validator inside popup
  • [1.11.7] - 16.09.2022
    • New Added compatibility with php 8.0
  • [1.11.6] - 22.08.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with min border width
  • [1.11.5] - 08.08.2022
    • Optimization Better buttons view on mobile devices
  • [1.11.4] - 25.07.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue when main page was selected to display - message was displayed on all another pages too
  • [1.11.3] - 21.07.2022
    • Bugfix Important addon fixes, some notifications was not displayed
  • [1.11.2] - 27.06.2022
    • Optimization Added compatibility with 3rd party permissions addons
  • [1.11.1] - 24.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed permission issues for administrators and vendors
  • [1.11] - 24.06.2022
    • New Added compatibility with Full page cache addon
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with managing popups on multistorefront store
  • [1.10] - 26.05.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with custom url display
  • [1.9] - 12.04.2022
    • New Added possibility to limit popup max. width
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with overlay styles
  • [1.8] - 07.04.2022
    • Bugfix Security upgrade to prevent SQL-injections

    Install this upgrade as soon as possible!

  • [1.7] - 09.03.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed bugs of the add-on on the Ultimate
  • [1.6] - 03.03.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed bugs of the add-on on the Ultimate
  • [1.5] - 03.02.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with repeated notification shown on some display conditions.
  • [1.4] - 23.12.2021

    Bugfix Fixed redirection after submitting a subscription form

  • [1.3] - 13.12.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed problem with product picker in content tab
    • New Added possibility to show notification for vendors by countries.
  • [1.2] - 02.12.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with vendors picker
    • New Added possibility to set popup notification based on user location country  (if geolocation addon used)
  • [1.1] - 17.11.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on products picker
  • [1.0] - 08.10.2021
    • Optimization First addon release