Changelog: SEO meta templates

  • [2.7.1] - 29.05.2024
    • Bugfix Fixed conflict issue with working together with our import categories addon when trying to import categories seo names
  • [2.7.0] - 26.01.2024
    • Bugfix Important update! Fixed the function of generating URLs for images.
    • Optimization Corrected translations of field names and tooltips.

    This is important update. Please install it as soon as possible!

  • [2.6.2] - 16.11.2023
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [2.6.1] - 09.08.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with min and max category price calculation when website uses Procut currency addon
  • [2.6.0] - 07.08.2023
    • Optimization Addon optimization
    • New Added compatibility with product currency addon on category page
    • Optimization Basic security addon updates
  • [2.5.2] - 20.04.2023
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with escaped quotes in product name
  • [2.5.1] - 28.03.2023
    • Optimization Optimized seo-name generation function
    • New Added product meta description and page title as variables
  • [2.5.0] - 26.10.2022
    • New Added compatibility with php 8.0
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with edit seo-name on simple cs-cart from seo-metatemplates addon on cs-cart with one storefront
  • [2.4.3] - 09.08.2022
    • New Added possibility to filter products by storefronts on Multivendor
  • [2.4.2] - 29.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with seo-url regeneration
  • [2.4.1] - 14.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with using smarty syntax with empty feature values
  • [2.4] - 13.06.2022
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with undefined view php variable
    • New Added new variables: [search_words], [vendor_state]
    • New Added possibility to clone seo-meta schema
    • New Added possibility to apply values to all languages
  • [2.3] - 19.04.2022
    • Optimization This is technical upgrade - added additional hooks
  • [2.2] - 11.04.2022
    • New Added possibility to change product images URL's
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with double quotes on product name when template uses smarty functions
  • [2.1] - 25.02.2022
    • New Added new variable for categories and products schema [root_category_name] - it will show main category of current tree
  • [2.0] - 21.02.2022
    • New Added possibility to work on realtime and cron modes.
    • New Added new variables for product meta (parent_category_name) and vendor_name for pages on MV edition
    • New Added possibility to filter products by hours of creations (Ex. Product created more than 15 hours )
    • Bugfix Fixed issue with seo-name generation on multilagual websites
  • [1.2] - 21.01.2022
    • New Added possibility to replace product name and description on product details page on front
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on products conditions template
  • [1.1] - 13.12.2021
    • Bugfix Fixed issue on MV edition when vendor preview his store
  • [1.0] - 27.10.2021
    • Optimization First addon release