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SEO meta templates

Last update: May 29, 2024
List price: $70.00 $60.00
Price with Premium subscription: $42.00
Versions: Cs-cart 4.1.x-4.18.x
Editions: Multivendor, Multivendor Ultimate, Cs-cart Ultimate, Multivendor Plus, Cs-cart


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Extend the SEO capabilities of your site with the SEO templates add-on for cs-cart, using templates for automatically generating meta data for products, pages, categories and etc. You don't need to fill the meta data for every object separately. With this add-on you can create the segments you need and each segment can have their own template for generation. Add-on works in real time, is optimized for work on high-load projects and does not overwrite your previously added meta data. It also allows you to set a template for generating the seo-name for new created objects and adds a section for managing all SEO-names on your site. All templates support smarty syntax, which gives almost unlimited possibilities for creating meta templates, including function calls from php (recommended to use only for advanced users).

With this module, you can generate not only meta-data for the product, but also its name and full description!

Extended description block

Addon settings

The addon contains a basic settings for all types of objects. These are the settings for limiting the length of the text length of meta-fields, Alt-texts of images and set the separator of the category directory. This settings apply only to auto generated metadata from a template and do not affect manually entered meta data.

Products META templates

Product meta templates have a wide range of options and customization flexibility. About 14 parameters of a selection of goods with the possibility of combining them and more than 20 variables, not counting the values of the characteristics. You can create an unlimited number of product meta-templates by setting the priority of application and also set a template for ALT product images and image url.

Supported variables: [product_name], [product_code], [product_id], [category_name], [category_path], [category_path_reversed], [price], [secondary_price], [list_price], [secondary_list_price], [vendor_name], [amount], [weight], [short_description], [full_description], [promo_text], [date_created], [date_updated], [company_name], [tags], [ftr_name_XX], [ftr_val_XX];

Supported fields for filtering: Product price, Product discount in %, Product category, Product feature value, Selected products from picker, Product weight, Product name (contains / does not contain), Number of products in stock, Product popularity, Date of product creation, Product sales qty, Number of reviews, Product Average rating, Product vendor. If no selection condition is specified, the template will be applied to all products in the store.

Categories META templates

Category meta templates have about 14 variable value parameters. You can create an unlimited number of meta-templates and setting the priority of every template.
Supported variables: [date_created] , [category_id] , [category_name] , [parent_category_name] , [level] , [product_count] , [category_path] , [category_path_reversed] , [description] , [max_price] , [secondary_max_price] , [min_price] , [secondary_min_price] , [company_name] ;

The selection of categories is performed by picker with the ability to mark the inclusion of child categories. If no selection condition is specified, the template will be applied to all categories in the store.

Pages and Blog META templates

Create META templates for text and blog pages using about 7 variables.

Supported variables: [date_created] , [page_id], [page_name], [parent_page_name], [description], [company_name], [tags]

The selection of pages is performed by pages picker with the ability to mark the inclusion of child pages, or for all pages or blog pages, if there are no selectin specified.

Companies and Micro-stores META templates

For MULTIVENDOR - Create META templates for the vendor and his micro-store pages using about 7 different variables. + Addon adds seo-name support for the seller detailed page

Supported variables: [date_created], [vendor_id], [vendor_name], [vendor_description], [vendor_city], [vendor_country], [company_name]

Vendors can be selected by pickers. If no any vendor specified - in this case, the template will be applied to all.

Product features META templates (Brands)

The meta-template of product features has 6 variables. You can create an unlimited number of meta-templates by setting the priority of it.
Supported variables: [variant_id], [variant], [feature_id], [feature_name], [description], [company_name];

Fetching for feature templates is not supported, the template with the highest priority will be applied.

SEO Name Management page

Often people contact us with the question: How to find an object that has taken some seo-name? Usually only through direct access to the seo-name table database. But now this can be done using the Meta-templates add-on, in which we have added a section for managing seo-names. You can find objects through their seo-name and directly in this section make changes to seo-names with the ability to add redirects from old links.



For advanced users: Besides variables, meta-templates support smarty syntax. This means you can call both default smarty functions like lower, upper, and call functions from php. Usage example: {"[product_name]"|upper} - this smarty function make all letter to uppercase. {"[product_id]"|fn_get_product_name} - the default cs-cart php function will return product name of specified product. Or use {if}... {/if} smarty construction to show part of template in specific situations.

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