May news digest


TOP 5 bestsellers

Updated add-ons

Product questions

06/05/2024 v.2.1.2
  • [!] Fixed issue on user email notification on multilinguals websites
  • [*] Prevent possibility to send questions from bots when guest questions was disabled

Live Search with Search History

22/05/2024 v.8.0.3
  • [*] Improvements on search speedup function on Hard mode
23/05/2024 v.8.0.4
  • [!] Minor issue fix with search speedup function

Product shipping methods add-on

02/05/2024 v.3.6.0
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Search speedup add-on

02/05/2024 v.3.3.0
  • [+]  Added "Add-on upgrades" block with subscription relevance.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Product currency add-on

02/05/2024 v.6.3.2
  • [!] Fixed issue with Vendor currency addon
  • [+] Added compatibility with AB addon price generator
23/05/2024 v.6.3.3
  • [*] Improvements on get currencies function on Multivendor ultimate stores

YML Import products (xml yandex market structure)

17/05/2024 v.5.8.2
  • [!] Fixed issue on end of import when product variations add-on is uninstalled on the server

Redirect from deleted objects

07/05/2024 v.2.2.0
  • [+] Added redirect setting from 404 pages.
  • [+] Added redirect setting from disabled product pages. 
  • [+] Added redirect setting from disabled category pages.
16/05/2024 v.2.2.1
  • [!] Fixed issue with creation redirect on some Multivendor configurations

Shipping method currency

06/05/2024 v.1.2.0
  • [+] Added "Add-on upgrades" block with subscription relevance.
  • [!] Fixed an error when trying to enter the addon settings.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Multistatuses: additional order statuses

08/05/2024 v.1.1.1
  • [+] Added possibility to get and put multi-statuses build in cs-cart via API

FAQ addon (questions and answers)

13/05/2024 v.4.0.1
  • [!] Fixed issue with privileges on some configurations

Product payment methods add-on

22/05/2024 v.2.4.1
  • [!] Fixed incompatibility issue with php 8.1 on some cases

YML Export products

23/05/2024 v.4.8.3
  • [+] Added compatibility with latest cs-cart 4.18.1 version

Address fields autocomplete

28/05/2024 v.3.1.1
  • [!] Fixed js undefined variable error on some configurations
31/05/2024 v.3.1.2
  • [*] Scripts optimization to work together with cities addon

Import/Export categories

29/05/2024 v.1.4.0
  • [!] Fixed issue with importing seo names on some store configurations
  • [*] Basic addon security updates

SEO meta templates

29/05/2024 v.2.7.1
  • [!] Fixed conflict issue with working together with our import categories addon when trying to import categories seo names